Australian Patent Granted, Europe Accepted - patented locking device
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Australian Patent Granted, Europe Accepted

The Australian Patent Office has issued on 17th October 2019, a Certificate of Grant for Uniseg Products’ Snap-Flat latch. The certificate was issued for Australian Patent No. 2015342730 in the name of UNISEG Products Pty Ltd entitled A CONTAINER (Currently being renamed A LATCH MECHANISM).

In further positive developments the European Patent Office has allowed our patent application for the latch. The allowance of the application completes the examination phase of the procedure for obtaining a European patent.  The grant procedure has now been filed for a European patent to be issued on this application with validation of the patent in the European member countries to follow shortly.

Uniseg Products have patent applications for the latch in progress in USA, Canada, China, India, Malaysia, Japan & South Africa.